Job Growth and Pay
A continuing Growth and Demand For Truck Drivers
Nationally, there is need for an average of 89,000 new drivers annually over the next 10 years.
45% of new driver hiring needs is due to attrition of current drivers through retirement, and
another 33% is due to the growth in the transportation industry.

#1 Highest Demanded Career in the US
Truck driving careers are ranked as the 4th higest demand career in Ohio and the #1 career in the
nation, based on annual growth by both the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Bureau of Econonmic
Analysis. This listing is comprised of careers not requiring a college education.
Ohio Governor Kasich’s office of Job & Family Services ranks truck driving as the 8th demanded
career, out of the 267 in-demand careers listed, based on annual job vacancies filled within the
state. This listing is comprised of careers requiring either a college and non-college education.